Faces of FAY: Noah Billig

Faces of FAY: Noah Billig

Noah Billig is an associate professor of landscape architecture in the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design, where he’s taught since 2011. From 2011 to 2013, he served as the Verna C. Garvan Distinguished Visitor in Landscape Architecture. He joined the school’s faculty in 2013. He has taught design studios and courses in public participation, urban design, environmental design and planning, the American landscape, and study abroad in Italy and Turkey. He serves as the Honors Program director for the Fay Jones School and as chair of the Urban and Regional Planning Minor. He is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.

Faces of FAY: Melissa Harlan

Faces of FAY: Melissa Harlan

Melissa Harlan, AIA, has worked on historic adaptive reuse projects at Kiku Obata & Company since 2019. She graduated with a Master of Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 2008, a Bachelor of Architecture from Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Arkansas State University in 1999. She has served on the Fay Jones School’s Professional Advisory Board for more than a decade. She has also been involved with the AIA since 2016. 

Faces of FAY: Jenny Tredway

Faces of FAY: Jenny Tredway

Jenny Tredway (B.I.D. ’00) is an associate, registered interior designer at Looney & Associates. Her career has taken her across the United States, most recently to Hawaii. Tredway said stepping foot on the University of Arkansas campus felt like stepping into a new home. Although the interior design (now interior architecture and design) program wasn’t yet part of the Fay Jones School when she attended, she said she is honored to be considered an alumna of the school.

Faces of FAY: Sheri Lynn Brown

Faces of FAY: Sheri Lynn Brown

Sheri Lynn Brown joined the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design’s advising staff in 2008. She is the senior academic counselor for the Fay Jones School and manages advising for second- through fifth-year students across all three departments. Brown enjoys guiding students through their academic careers and helping them to succeed.

Faces of FAY: Jennifer Webb

Faces of FAY: Jennifer Webb

Jennifer Webb, associate professor of interior architecture and design and assistant dean of graduate studies, joined the interior design faculty at the University of Arkansas in 1999. The interior design program became part of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design in 2010. During her 25 years with the university, Webb has pursued an active research agenda focused on person-environment fit and investigated the role of privacy in living environments for older adults.